12月7日 唐威华:Molecular Dialogs and Cellular Actions between tip growing cells and their surrounding cells-stories from pollen tubes and ...

Molecular Dialogs and Cellular Actions between tip growing cells and their surrounding cells-stories from pollen tubes and the phytopathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum
主持人:许玲 教授
报告时间:2018年12月7日 9:00 (周五)
报告人简介:唐威华,中国科学院植物生理生态研究所研究员、党委副书记,1993年复旦大学遗传学及遗传工程系本科毕业,获学士学位;1999年中国科学院上海植物生理所分子遗传学专业研究生毕业,获博士学位。2000年5月至2006年5月分别在美国加州大学伯克利分校植物和微生物学系,Plant Gene Expression Center和美国杜邦公司所属Pioneer Hi-bred International Inc.从事博士后研究。2006年5月起为中国科学院植物生理生态研究所“百人计划”课题组长,研究员。2014年8月起任中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会秘书长,9月起任植物生理生态研究所学位委员会主任。2017年入选国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才。长期从事细胞间信号传导和细胞极性生长机制研究,主要以番茄花粉管和植物病原真菌禾谷镰孢为模式系统研究顶端生长细胞与周围细胞之间的信号交流和行为互动。在Plant Cell, PLoS Pathogens, Plant Physiology,MPMI等杂志发表论文多篇。
报告内容简介:Pollen tubes and pathogenic fungal hyphae are two very different types of eukaryotic cells, except that they both can grow invasively by tip growth, which allow them not only can grow rapidly to invade targeted plant tissues but also can respond environmental cues to adjust growth direction swiftly. Both pollen tubes and pathogenic fungal hyphae are of enormous importance to agricultural production given that the yield of major plant material we eat (fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains) requires a preceding fertilization by a pollen tube, and the yield of all crops is constantly and significantly reduced by fungal diseases as a result of pathogenic fungal hyphal invasion. My lecture focus is to understand how to be a tip-growing cell, either to deliver sperm for fertilization or to cause crop diseases such as Fusarium head blight on wheat and Gibberella stalk rot on maize.