2023年8月28日 王鑫:植物演化史中的几个重要事件


报 告 人:中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所 王鑫 研究员

报告时间:2023年8月28日 10:30-11:30

主 持 人:赵琼 研究员



王鑫研究员,1990年本科毕业于北京大学地质系,1993年硕士毕业于中国科学院植物所,2004年获得在美国佛罗里达大学地质系古生物专业获得哲学博士,目前任中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员,美国Sigma Xi研究协会会员、中国古生物学会会员等。他发现的早期被子植物化石对全球的相关研究具有重要意义。


Land plants have undergone their great diversification and evolution in the past 400 million years. Although appearing complex and hard to grasp, the evolution of plants centers around an invariable core development process, SRC (Sexual Reproductive Cycle). Various plants have added different modifications on this core process and these modifications distinguish them each other. The direct morphological consequences of these modifications are various novel organs universally derived from the sporangia of early land plants. These novelties include sporangium, megasporangium, metamegasporangium (= ovule), and various metamegasporangium complexes. Throughout the million-year-long evolution, plants stairwise aggregate accessories to protect their treasurable and vulnerable reproductive organs (sporangia and derivatives). The occurrence of each of these novelties may be taken as a stair marking land plant reproduction evolution leading to increasing offspring development conditioning (ODC).