报告题目:Inheritance patterns of DNA methylation, transposon control and heritable phenotypic variation in Arabidopsis
报告人:Vincent Colot, Professor and Group Leader of Arabidopsis Epigenetics and Epigenomics, Ecole Normale Supérieure
主持人:翁杰敏 教授
报告时间:5月24日 10:00-11:00(周五)
报告人简介:Dr. Vincent Colot received his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences of University of Paris-XI (France) and Plant Breeding Institute (Cambridge, UK) in 1989, then performed his post-doctoral work at Dr. Michael Bevan’s group, Plant Breeding Institute, Cambridge (UK). From 1990 Feb to 2000 Jun he joined Dr. Jean-Luc Rossignol’s group of Paris-Sud University at Orsay as post-doctoral fellow and research scientist. In September 2001 he worked as Group Leader of functional genomics and epigenetics, URGV, Evry (France). In 2007 Oct. he became the Group Leader of Arabidopsis Epigenetics and Epigenomics, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.
报告摘要:Genomic and genetic analysis of epigenetic processes and chromatin dynamics in the flowering plant Arabidopsis. Impact of epimutations on quantitative trait variation. Role of DNA methylation in the control of transposable elements mobilization.