题 目:The role of COUP-TFII in Prostate Tumor Growth and Metastasis
报告人:Sophia Y. Tsai 教授
主持人:翁杰敏 教授
时 间:9月24日13:30
地 点:闵行校区生命科学学院大楼534报告厅
Sophia Tsai 1969年毕业于美国加州大学生物化学系,1995年起任美国贝勒医学院分子与细胞生物学系终身教授,2002年获得Michael DeBakey医学博士杰出研究贡献奖, 2009被授予Gordon Cain教授荣誉。Sophia Tsai教授担任Molecular Cellular Biology,Molecular Endocrinology,Endocrinology,Gene Therapy,Nucleic Acid Research,Journal of Biological Chemistry,PNAS,Endocrine Review等多种学术杂志的编委。Sophia Tsai教授的主要研究领域有:基因表达调控、分化与发育生物学、结构及功能的转录因子研究等,已在Nature, Cell, Science, Mol. Cell. Bio, Genes and Development等杂志上发表文章200多篇。
COUP-TFII expression is shown to be elevated in prostate cancer patients and its expression correlates with poor prognosis. In my presentation, I will show that PTEN/AKT signaling activates ETS family of transcription factor to regulate the expression of COUP-TFII and COUP-TFII is a major factor mediating PTEN/AKT signaling to induce tumor growth. It is also shown that the expression of COUP-TFII is further enhanced in patients with metastatic prostate cancer. COUP-TFII over-expression suppresses SMAD4/TGF signaling to disrupt the growth barrier induced by SMAD4 in the PTEN null mutant and further augments tumor metastasis. COUP-TFII, being a member of nuclear receptor superfamily, its activity could potentially be regulated by ligands. Thus, COUP-TFII could be an excellent therapeutic target for cancer intervention.