报告题目:Role of Lysine Methylation in Chromatin and Disease Regulation
报告人:Dr. Or Gozani, 美国斯坦福大学终身副教授
主持人:翁杰敏 教授
时 间:6月20日 13:30―15:00(周三)
地 点:闵行生命科学学院大楼534报告厅
Dr. Or Gozani, 1999年获哈佛医学院博士学位,随后在哈佛医学院Dr. Junying Yuan实验室做博士后研究。2007年成为斯坦福癌症研究院成员,2009年起为斯坦福研究院干细胞生物学和再生医学课题组成员,2011年晋升为斯坦福大学终身副教授。已在国际著名学术期刊如Nature 、Cell 、Molecular Cell、J Biol Chem、PNAS、MCB等发表学术论文60多篇,担任J Experimental Medicine、Scientific Reports等杂志副主编,此外还担任Nature、Cell、Science等杂志评审。
We are interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms by which chromatin signaling networks effect nuclear and epigenetic programs, and how disruption in these mechanisms contribute to cancer and other pathologic states. Our work centers on the biology of protein lysine methylation, a principal chromatin-regulatory mechanism thought to be involved in directing epigenetic processes. We study how lysine methylation events on histone and non-histone nuclear factors are generated, sensed, and transduced, and how these chemical marks integrate with other modification and nuclear signaling systems to govern diverse functions. We previously demonstrated that the PHD finger, a signature chromatin-associated domain, functions as a novel recognition module for histone H3 trimethylated at lysine 4. We linked this single histone species to multiple different functions via its recognition by discrete PHD finger nuclear proteins, including providing evidence that disrupting the read-out of a histone modification can cause an inherited human disease. We have also developed new methods for discovery of methyllsyine-binding domains, which led to the recent discovery that the BAH domain of ORC1 links dimethylation of H4K20 to DNA replication licensing and primordial dwarfism. I will discuss new work focusing on strategies to identify and characterize methylation events on histone and non-histone factors and investigation of lysine methyltransferases (KMTs) in oncogenic programming and genome regulation.