6月25日 Maryline Coquidé: Reflections on the study of nutrition in the French curriculum and initial analysis of some resources.

报告题目:Reflections on the study of nutrition in the French curriculum and initial analysis of some resources.
报告人:Maryline Coquidé
主持人:郑晓蕙 教授
报告时间:6月25日 13:00-14:00(周二)

报告人简介:Prof. Maryline Coquidé is University Professor in science education at the French Institute of Education, which is part of ENS de Lyon. She is from the laboratory STEF (Science techniques Education Formation) which is a laboratory between IFE ENS Lyon and ENS de Cachan. Maryline Coquidé's research covers science and biological education and focuses on the reconfiguration of scientific curriculum of compulsory education (Coquidé, 2012 ; Coquidé & Raulin, 2011)

报告摘要: Reflections on the study of nutrition in the French curriculum and initial analysis of some resources.
——With a presentation of some French sites (institutional or personal) with resources for teaching SVT
——A research example