报告题目:Cutting Edge Technologies for Studying Dynamics of Macromolecular Complex in Cell
报告人:Malcolm Buckle, professor and head of Laboratory (LBPA UMR 8113 CNRS) ENS Cachan.
主持人:翁杰敏 教授
报告时间:6月24日 10:30-11:30(周一)
报告人简介:Dr. Malcolm Buckle received his Ph.D. in Chemistry of University of Wolverhampton, West Midlands England in 1980, then performed his post-doctoral work at Dept of Biochemistry, Health Sciences Ctr, McMaster Univ., HAMILTON, Ontario-Canada. Now he is the Head of Laboratory (LBPA UMR 8113 CNRS) ENS Cachan and the Head of group of Dynamics of Macromolecular Complexes.
报告摘要:Malcolm Buckle’s group concentrates essentially on understanding the organisation of chromatin structure and its relationship to gene expression. The group has developed and continues to develop a series of essentially surface based biosensor devices and methodologies that seek to acces conformational changes associated with macromolecular complex formation. These activities are more fully described in Biosensors and the dynamics of macromolecular interactions.