11月14日 翁杰敏:New PTM Pathways, New Histone Marks and Their Regulatory Enzymes

题  目:New PTM Pathways, New Histone Marks and Their Regulatory Enzymes
报告人:Yingming Zhao, Ben May Department for Cancer Research, the University of Chicago
主持人:翁杰敏  教授
时  间:11月14日10:30-11:30(周四)

地  点:闵行校区生命科学学院534报告厅


报告人简介:赵英明博士早年毕业于华东理工大学,1997年在Rockfeller大学获得博士学位,并随后获得大学教职,是当年洛克菲勒大学应届毕业生中唯一未经历博士后阶段而直接取得大学教职的博士学位获得者。2008年至2012担任美国芝加哥大学终身教职副教授,2012-至今为美国芝加哥大学终身正教授,2011年起被聘为中科院上海药物研究所客座研究员。其主要方向是蛋白质组学、蛋白翻译后修饰和生物质谱学。赵教授研究组是目前世界上发现蛋白质新修饰最多的实验室,已首先报道了赖氨酸的丙酰化、丁酰化、巴豆酰化、丙二酸酰等新蛋白修饰。曾在Cell、Nature、Nat Chem Biol、Mol Cell、PNAS等一流学术期刊上发表多项研究成果。


报告内容简介:Histone marks play a crucial role in diverse biological processes and aberrant modification of histones contributes to diseases. While about 100 histone marks were previously described, it remains unknown if additional histone PTMs exist. In this presentation, we will report several types of novel histone PTMs that we recently discovered: lysine propionylation, lysine butyrylation, lysine crotonylation, lysine malonylation, and lysine succinylation. These new histone PTMs were comprehensively verified by both chemical and biochemical methods. We identified more than one hundred fifty new histone PTM sites. We will report our preliminary studies on identifying enzymes that regulate these histone PTM pathways, mapping out their non-histone substrates, and characterizing their biological functions. These studies dramatically extend the catalogue of histone PTM sites and suggest new mechanisms for cellular regulations.