11月21日 孙蒙祥:Parental role in early embryogenesis

报告题目:Parental role in early embryogenesis

报告人:孙蒙祥 武汉大学

主持人:李超 研究员




孙蒙祥,生于1957年,1977年考入华中农业大学,1982年毕业于华中师范大学,并于同年在华中农业大学任教;1987年获得武汉大学硕士学位、1994年于武汉大学获得博士学位。1995年后分别在荷兰Wageningen University、意大利Siena University、德国University of Hamburg等作博后研究。2000年受聘武汉大学特聘教授。先后获得教育部优秀青年教师,跨世纪人才,国家杰青,全国优秀科技工作者等称号及国家自然科学二等奖,教育部自然科学一等奖等。主要研究领域为植物生殖发育,具体方向为被子植物受精与早期胚胎发生的分子机制。先后在Developmental Cell, PloS Biology, Nature Communication, PNAS 等刊物发表论文近百篇。


In higher plants, after fertilization complex combinations and interactions of maternal and paternal genomes occur, and thus, it is critical point for understanding the molecular mechanism underlying zygote development and embryogenesis initiation. In animals, it is clear that zygote development and early embryogenesis are maternally controlled, and zygotic genome activation (ZGA) occurs after several rounds of embryonic cell division. However, in flowering plants, although great efforts have been made in recent decades several major questions are still waiting to be answered. Firstly, it is unclear if the MZT has two conserved processes in plants or if plant MZT possesses a unique character with only ZGA process. Secondly, our knowledge on parental contributions to the zygotic genome is still confusing due to contradictory results from different reports. Thirdly, we think that it is necessary to test if the de novo transcripts are indeed involved in the zygote development and early embryogenesis. In this talk, we will address above mentioned questions and discuss mainly paternal roles in early embryogenesis.