2023年11月17日 殷明波:The weakness of protection

报告题目:The weakness of protection

主 讲 人:殷明波 教授

邀 请 人:姜晓东 教授

报告时间:2023年11月17日 15:00-16:00



殷明波博士目前是复旦大学生命科学学院教授,博导。他于2011年从德国慕尼黑大学获得了博士学位,随后加入复旦大学任讲师、副教授和教授。他的团队近十年来一直聚焦淡水浮游动物系统分类和进化,研究浮游动物分类、多样性形成机制及其适应性变异的分子基础,揭示其对维系水生生态系统健康的关键作用。近五年来以通讯作者在Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Science、Journal of Animal Ecology、Molecular Ecology、Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution、Limnology and Oceanography、Freshwater Biology等发表系列论文。殷博士目前担任SCI期刊Limnology副主编、BMC Ecology and Evolution编委。


Inducible defensive traits against herbivores or predators are widespread in plants and animals. Theory predicts that defended morphs have greater fitness in the presence of predators, but lower fitness than undefended morphs in the absence of predators. If such costs did not exist, then a constitutively defended morph would be favored by natural selection; yet, evidence for such costs has been elusive. Our work revealed a significant cost to inducible defenses. Using the waterflea Daphnia model system, we showed that induced defended morphs are significantly more vulnerable to infection by a virulent parasite than undefended morphs. Recently, we further explored the molecular bases for the inducible defense and its cost. Our results increase our understanding of prey defenses, being important evolutionary adaptations playing a stabilizing role in community dynamics.